Le gouvernement méprise la bio

Le gouvernement méprise la bio

Paris, le 28/02/2023. Une semaine après le rendez-vous des représentants des filières bio et des interprofessions avec le cabinet du Ministre de l’agriculture, les seules annonces ont été faites en catimini et sont loin de répondre…

small farm future

Small Farm Future by Chris Smaje

Reading Chris Smaje’s Small Farm Future again, the first time I had just finished Feeding Britain by Tim Lang and the change in styles was a bit of a shock to the system. I found…

Foire des arbres et Vivaces Maisons

Important Dates for the Diary 2023

Important dates for the diary 2023. Well in my opinion anyway. 2022 is not yet over, the Winter Solstice has yet to fall. But already we are looking forward to 2023 in the Corbieres. Foires…

The Financial Time

Financial Times closes print press end of an era

The Financial Times has just closed it’s printing press. From now on the FT will be printed by contract printers, probably from another news group. The advance of digital media, the cost of operating an…