Organic Lavandula Silver Frost

Organic Lavandula Silver Frost

Organic lavandula silver frostOrganic Lavandula Silver Frost is arguably the most beautiful large hybrid lavandula. A mass of Summer long dense purple flowers over a thick bush of silver leaves. Lavandula Silver Frost is both amazing to look at and has an intense perfume due to it’s high level of essential oil.

Like most Lavenders and Lavandulas Organic Lavandula Silver Frost is an ideal plant for a dry garden, loving full sun, poor well drained soil. Once established it just needs a hard pruning in Autumn to retain it’s shape and ensure a thick covering of flowers the next year. Another favourite of bees and other benign insects it is virtually disease free, if not over watered, so once again ideal for an organic approach as it needs little treatment. The only problem I have had is black fly. A simple spraying with a soapy water will rid it off black fly. Or plant an absinthe as an black fly attracter.

Best planted in late Autumn to allow the plant to get its roots down before the next Summer, may need watering around the base of the plant the first Summer but after that can usually cope very well all by itself.

Organic Lavandula Silver Frost needs a large space, about half a square metre as it is a much bigger plant than similar Lavander Dentata . It will take two to three years to fill the space. But even when small it still benefits from an Autumn prune to keep a regular shape and not get two woody.

Reproduction is best done by Cuttings in Spring but can be done all round see Lavender Cuttings in Winter

Organic Lavandula Silver Frost flowers dry well and retain both their colour and perfume, not the best for essential oil production, the Lavandins Grosso and Super and Lavender Agustifolia are better for oil production. however good for flavouring food.