
Foire Plantes et Nature Prades

Foire Plantes et Nature de Printemps, Prades Dimanche 16 Avril Foirail (près de la gare des bus) pour l’itinéraire, suivez la main verte 9h-17h, entrée libre. Prades is time for our first Spring plant festival…

Fete Plantes Frontfroid

Fete des Plantes Fontroide

14ÈME FÊTE DES PLANTES…ET DU MASSIF SAMEDI 6 – DIMANCHE 7 & LUNDI 8 MAI 2017 14ème édition de la Fête … Plus de 50 exposants ! Le grand rassemblement ‘jardin’ de printemps du Sud…

French Organic Market 2016

The French organic retail market has passed the 7 billion euro mark in 2016, according to the annual Agence bio, a clear 20% growth year on year compared to 2015. The annual Baromètre Agence BIO…

Bears in the Ariège Pyrenees

Bears in the Ariege Pyrenees is an interesting, and balanced, history of the reintroduction of wild brown bears into the Haut Pyrenees by author Julia Stagg.It is well worth a read. My own thoughts on…

Post Brexit Agricultural Subsidies

The post Brexit vote represents a golden opportunity to rethink the way that British agriculture is subsidised, in deed whether it should be subsidised at at all. The prevailing wind however seems to be business…

Les Néo Paysants

  Les Néo Paysants, Gaspard d’Allens and Lucile Leclair Edition Seuil with Reporterre French agriculture is in plain crisis. The idyllic countryside so beloved by tourists and the French imagination is in most cases…