le vent tourne

Le Vent Tourne Mouthoumet 28 July

Le Vent Tourne, a day of discussion and activism organsed by le Collectif Citoyen des Corbieres Vivantes is this Saturday in Mouthoumet. Under the slogan of “Energie global democratie locale” the organisers have put together a…


July is hotting up

July arrived and it was like someone pushed a switch, the temperature suddenly rose 15 decrees. The temperature rising incredibly fast every morning, with afternoon storms, sometimes with rain, rumble through the Hautes Corbieres. The…

organic wine harvest

Copper Sulfate and organic wine

Organic wine production allows the use of copper sulfate. This article by Andrew Porterfield piqued my interest. Far more toxic than glyphosate: Copper sulfate, used by organic and conventional farmers, cruises to European reauthorization Porterfield…