Life at Montrouch


Organic Saffron – a start

Organic Saffron, Crocus Sativus, is the most expensive spice in the world. No wonder really when you realise that each saffron crocus gives only three stigma per year. Friends of mine have grown saffron and not a…

organic wine harvest

Dom’s Vendage

The vendage, grape harvest, is a huge annual affair down here in the Corbieres. This year the first white grapes were picked in mid August. It continues on and off for 12 weeks. Sunday was…


Thoughts on the Chasse au Sangliers

Today, 15h August, the Chasse au Sangliers begins. For the next six months every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday the Hautes Corbieres will resonate to the barking of dogs hot on the trail of sangliers, wild…

Summer in the Corbieres- wild fire time

Summer time and the fires are raging. Friday evening, plants are being  watered, boxes packed and ready for Saturday’s markets. The water seems to be working again after 10 days of being blocked, a dead…

Maisons Wind Turbines Failed

At a packed municipal meeting on Wednesday the proposed wind turbines project for Maisons was convincingly rejected. A meeting of the council to discuss the wind turbine project was, as usual, open to all and…