Life at Montrouch


Lagrasse Caveat venditor

“I cannot avoid the conviction that no innate tendency to progressive development exists” Charles Darwin, 1872 by Simon Pleasance, Ribaute, canton of Lagrasse The horse-borne traveller coming upon Lagrasse, a century ago, would halt astride…

perpignan market

Perpignan market musing

  Perpignan market on a Saturday morning is a delightful place. It is in the beautiful  Place de la Republique, a large open square full of bars and restaurants. The stand holders are a mix…

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What a Spring

Well Spring started well, by mid February we already had basil germinating in the polytunnel. In March the tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes were pushing through. Then April arrived,a bit grey, a bit wet all normal. Then…

The man from Ecocert calls

Today was our annual control from EcoCert, our organic certifying body. Every year they come and check out that we are using the correct, that is organic, products. In our case this involves handing him…

Bears in the Ariège Pyrenees

Bears in the Ariege Pyrenees is an interesting, and balanced, history of the reintroduction of wild brown bears into the Haut Pyrenees by author Julia Stagg.It is well worth a read. My own thoughts on…

It is not all work at Montrouch

A belated posting, Giles my organic snail growing friend has just given me a copy of some photos he took at my birthday party back in September. It was a real pleasure to see so…