Tornados and floods- great news

One small tornado,a bit of torrential rain and the mobile tower is down and the land line out- thank goodness for internet by Satellite and electricity by solar panels- and the plumber may start work tomorrow so soon no more leaks, hot water and the start of the irrigation system- things on the up.

Apparently we have had the average annual rainfall this year, the problem it has fallen in intense short periods so it runs off rather than works it’s slow way down to the water table. So the heavy but persistent rain of the last 28 hours has been very welcome. Not least because we don’t have to water tonight.

We have also found a new supplier of pots, CEP Agriculture – they have some great square pots which will make watering easier, plus we have be planting in smaller seed pots and then re-pottting, and sometime a second re-potting. With these pots we should be able to plant straight into large pots thus cutting down the work involved in each plants.

Combine that with putting up a second polytunnel and putting in a drip by drip watering system and we are well on our way to laying a firm base for Montrouch Organic.

Mark Ashton
Mark Ashton

Chain sawing tomorrow then off to see Pride about Lesbian and Gay Support the Miners at the Castillet in Perpignan lthe central character is my old comrade Mark Ashton. Will be a bit of an emotional roller coaster- taking tissues.

Pete Shield

After a dissolute life working in advertising, media and the internet, I have now settled down to growing organic plants